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We have discovered that the most effective way to demonstrate our heart for our neighbors is to serve them.  We believe that saved people –that is,  people who know that it’s not about what they do but it’s about what Jesus has done – are people who are motived to serve.


They appreciate the grace and mercy God has extended to them, and in response to God’s goodness they want to give back to help others discover the same grace and mercy they have experienced.


At PCC we have all kinds of opportunities for service through our hospitality teams, NextGen Ministries, security, grounds, facility, Community night, Holy Hammer, Senior Care, Friday club … and the list goes on and on and on.


Once you have experienced the saving grace of Jesus, it should turn your heart to extend yourself in service to one another and our neighbors, because saved people serve people.


If you know where you want to serve go ahead and click the button below.  If you're not sure, read through the descriptions below and see where you can give back to help our neighbors find and follow Jesus.

Service Area:  Hospitality


First Impressions

Sunday Mornings, 9:15 & 11:00am

The First Impressions team creates a welcoming atmosphere on Sunday mornings for both people who are visiting and people who have been attending for years. First Impressions roles include making and serving coffee, greeting at the doors, and serving offering and communion in the service.


Chair Ministry

Once per month / Late Sat. or Early Sun.

Each week we set up chairs for worship in our Auditorium. Chair teams serve once a month to set up for our weekly services.

Some teams meet on Saturday to set up; others get up early on Sunday to make sure our neighbors have a place to find and follow Jesus. If you like serving behind the scenes then this team is for you.


Community Night

Thursdays, 5:00-6:30pm

We serve the community a free meal with no strings attached every Thursday. We rely on volunteers to help us provide this meal. From shopping, cooking, setting and cleaning up, to serving food and interacting with others, we have a variety of roles you can plug into to be a part of serving the community.


Service Area:  Service


Grounds & Maintenance

Various Times

Do you love to work with your hands? Do you enjoy yard-work, painting or general maintenance? If you aren't looking to be on a stage or in front of a group of people, your gift may be best served in helping keep our facility and grounds in order. We need people who are willing to give their time to make sure that our first impression is the best it can possibly be.


Holy Hammer

Various Times

Do you want to help our neighbors in need? Holy Hammer exists to help our neighbors with minor home repairs or yard work that they cannot do themselves or possibly afford. A leaky roof, a toilet that won't flush, windows that need caulked, these are just a few examples of what this team does. Please consider giving your time and talents to bless our neighbors.



Sunday Mornings

At PCC, we take the safety of our families and our neighbors very seriously. That is why we have invested in our security systems and teams. We have a plan in place and people who are passionate about keeping everyone safe If you desire to create a safe environment for our neighbors to find and follow Jesus maybe you could serve on our security team.

Cooking Class


Various Times

A – Angels 

P – Providing

P – Personal

L – Love

E – Effectively

This team provides prayer for all public prayer requests turned in and sends cards out when needed.  They also provide meals for bereavement dinners and help maintain the kitchen.


Administrative Support

Weekday Mornings

We are looking for people who are willing to be helpful and love to smile. We need individuals who would be willing to serve
in the mornings in the front office - answering the phones and opening the doors for our neighbors. If you have a flexible schedule and could cover an office shift during the week, we would love to have you on our Admin team.

Service Area:  Next Generation



Sunday Mornings - 9:15 or 11am

Who doesn't love holding babies? Imagine that you could care for our neighbors at one of the earliest phases in the life of a family. If you are willing to show up consistently and be one of the first places to demonstrate God's love for a child, then the Nursery could be the perfect place for you to serve.


Pre-Teen (4th-5th)

Sunday Morning & Wednesday Night

During 4th & 5th grade students begin to figure out who they are. We are looking for some incredible adults who would love to hang out with our pre-teens. They have lots of energy and lots of questions. You don't have to have all the answers but you do need to be willing to have a lot of fun.

We promise there won't be a dull moment.



Sunday Mornings - 9:15 or 11am

During the Preschool phase a child's personality begins to shine. What if you could be one of the first people to share God's truths with a child. If you enjoy doing crafts, playing games and are comfortable leading a simple lesson that is prepared for you the Preschool might be the best place for you to have an impact.


Jr. High (6th-8th)

Sunday Morning & Wednesday Night

In our Middle School ministry we are looking for adults who can help our students figure out how to follow Jesus while navigating the world. Our students need other adults in their lives who will encourage them to make wise decisions and help them discover more about how to follow Jesus.


Kids Ministry

Sunday Mornings - 9:15 or 11am

Elementary kids love to play games and have fun They are always looking for adults who will get on their level and have fun with them. During this phase we are looking for people who will build relationships with children and teach them about core truths about who God is and why He loves them so much.


High School (9th-12th)

Sunday Nights

High School can be such an incredible time in the life of a student. We are looking for adults who will pour into the lives of our High School students, adults who will help them see the best version of themselves, and who are willing to walk through the highs and the lows of high school life - to help them find and follow Jesus.

Service Area:  Growth

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Friday Club

First Friday of the Month

Do you enjoy cooking, decorating and making people feel at home? If you do perhaps you might enjoy helping prepare and serve a fellowship luncheon for our neighbors who are 50+. Sometimes the best way to share God's love is over a plate of great food and sprinkled with some good conversation.


PCC Groups (Small Groups)

Various Times

At PCC, we believe that "We can't do life alone" and because of this we are committed to helping those who call PCC home get connected into smaller communities which are designed for connection, spiritual growth and care. We are always looking for people who are willing to host and/or facilitate these groups.

Click Here for more info on groups


Worship Team

Thursday Night Rehearsal & Sundays

Are you musically or vocally inclined? If so we would love for you to use your gifts to lead our Sunday morning worship experience. Our teams consist of a diverse group of people all using their gifts toward one goal - to remove barriers for our neighbors to experience Jesus. If interested contact


Bible Studies

Various Times

Bible Studies are great "on-ramps" for many of our neighbors. They are great places to meet new people and to grow in our faith outside of the Sunday morning experience.  These groups usually meet for a limited period of time. We are always looking for people who are passionate to teach and/or lead these Bible studies throughout the year. If you enjoy leading or teaching this might be a great fit for you.


Prayer Teams

Various Times

Our prayer teams meet as a key support element of our congregation. Prayer requests are submitted online or through our weekly connection cards and are prayed over regularly. If you are someone who is filled up through your prayer life, you might want to join one or more of our prayer teams.

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Various Times

Throughout the life of the church there are times for other classes to be taught. These classes aren't specifically Bible studies but do include looking at what the scripture have to say. Classes about "Next Steps", Leadership & Evangelism fit this category. If you have been follow Jesus for a while and have the gift of teaching maybe this area could be a great fit for you.

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